Wednesday 17 April 2024
This seminar is essential for any enterprise or anyone who already employs or wishes to employ staff, irrespective of whether they are from the UK or overseas. It is relevant for CEOs, Company directors, Human Resources managers, Operations managers, Partnerships, Sole traders or Start-ups. It is imperative if you already have or hope to have a sponsor licence to recruit staff from abroad.
The beginning of the employment relationship
Key issues to be covered in the job offer under employment law.
Conducting Right to Work Checks
It is essential for businesses of all sizes across the UK to perform the Right to Work (RTW) checks correctly. From 13 February 2024, failure to conduct these could lead to crippling civil penalties of up to £60,000 for each worker that does not have the right to work in the UK.
Why Attend?
In this detailed guide, we go through key elements one must think through at the inception of an employment relationship.
Please click on image below:
More training - DATE TO BE CONFIRMED
Setting up a UK based company
Home Office Sponsorship Compliance
Is it best to purchase a company or set one up from scratch? What steps do you need to take?
The Home Office is stepping up their in-person sponsor audit visits. Sponsor licence audits could be conducted at any time, prior to granting a sponsorship licence or at any time when you are a licensed sponsor. The UKVI audits could be unannounced.
CONTACT: info@roelens.uk for further information

At the above seminars we provided useful tips for sponsors on how to manage their sponsor licence in order to avoid compliance issues and explained how to conduct Right to Work checks.
On 21 June 2023 we were delighted to be joined by expert speakers Helene Berard of Berard & Lovell Solicitors who spoke about Employment law issues and Sue Doran of Sopher & Co Chartered accountants who explained cross-border taxation.
Watch the recordings of previous events below

Employing Migrant Workers
Date: 30 March 2022
Host: Roelens Solicitors, Berard & Lovell and Spires Legal
Presented by Nilmini Roelens, Helene Berard and Arj Arul
on Employing Migrant Workers
The Right to Work checks we must all conduct as employers are an important part of the recruitment process. Ensuring that these are properly conducted, and that adequate evidence is retained, are essential early steps in employing workers of any nationality. The provisions are changing from 6 April 2022. Are you ready?
There are important considerations in the early stages of any employment relationship at the time of the offer and acceptance. This ensures that all parties are aware of what is expected to avoid problems later.
This event was delivered in English.
Education sector - Sponsoring students from the EU
Date: 22 February 2021
Host: Roelens Solicitors
Nilmini Roelens (info@roelens.uk)
Nicolas Hatton (https://www.the3million.org.uk/contact-us )
Lara Parizotto (https://www.the3million.org.uk/contact-us )
Hélène Bérard (enquiries@berard-lovell.co.uk)
Michael Windsor (https://www.abingdon.org.uk/contact/contact-details/)
Phil Georgiou (https://mindhamok.com/)
Simon Halford-Thompson (info@roelens.uk)
Zoe Luo (info@roelens.uk)
French Morning London – Parlons Brexit
Date: 9 December 2020
Host: French Morning
Interview with Nilmini Roelens and Helene Berard
on work provisions from 1.1.2021
A full article can be found at: london.frenchmorning.com/2020/12/10/replay-parlons-brexit-venir- travailler-apres-le-1er-janvier-2021-sera-plus-cher-et- plus- complique/
This event was delivered in French.
EU nationals and the UK: what next? (French/English ver.)
Date: 30 October 2020
Host: Roelens Solicitors
Speakers: Nilmini Roelens (info@roelens.uk)
Dr. Emre Korkmaz (info@roelens.uk)
Arj Arul (info@spireslegal.com)
Hélène Bérard (enquiries@berard-lovell.co.uk)
EU nationals and the UK: what next?
Date: 14 October 2020
Host: Roelens Solicitors
Speakers: Prof. Thom Brooks (http://www.thombrooks.info/)
Nilmini Roelens (info@roelens.uk)
Dr. Emre Korkmaz (info@roelens.uk)
Arj Arul (info@spireslegal.com)